
Charles F. Munson


Charles F. Munson

Brunswick, Chariton County, Missouri, USA
16 May 1939 (aged 75)
Carrollton, Carroll County, Missouri, USA
Bowling Green Township, Chariton County, Missouri, USA Add to Map
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Aged: 75 years, 1 month, 1 day.

Father: William Munson, b: Germany
Mother: Annie Sleyster

Charles Munson, 75 years old, was seriously injured Friday evening of last week when he was knocked down by a motor vehicle, on a gravel road a mile north of Dalton. His left arm was broken between the elbow and wrist, three ribs are broken and there were bruises and a concussion on his forehead.
Mr. Munson was brought to the home of his son, William Munson, who lives in the east part of Brunswick, where he was given medical treatment. However on Sunday afternoon he was removed from here to the Southside Hospital at Carrollton where X-ray examinations were made and where he remained for treatment. Mr. Munson was walking on the highway when the accident occurred.

Charles Munson, who was struck by a motor vehicle on the gravel road north of Dalton, Friday of last week, died at the Southside Hospital at Carrollton at nine o'clock Tuesday night. The body was brought to Brunswick for preparation for burial. The funeral was to have taken place at the church at Dalton at two o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon and the body buried in the cemetery there.

The Brunswicker, May 19, 1939
Aged: 75 years, 1 month, 1 day.

Father: William Munson, b: Germany
Mother: Annie Sleyster

Charles Munson, 75 years old, was seriously injured Friday evening of last week when he was knocked down by a motor vehicle, on a gravel road a mile north of Dalton. His left arm was broken between the elbow and wrist, three ribs are broken and there were bruises and a concussion on his forehead.
Mr. Munson was brought to the home of his son, William Munson, who lives in the east part of Brunswick, where he was given medical treatment. However on Sunday afternoon he was removed from here to the Southside Hospital at Carrollton where X-ray examinations were made and where he remained for treatment. Mr. Munson was walking on the highway when the accident occurred.

Charles Munson, who was struck by a motor vehicle on the gravel road north of Dalton, Friday of last week, died at the Southside Hospital at Carrollton at nine o'clock Tuesday night. The body was brought to Brunswick for preparation for burial. The funeral was to have taken place at the church at Dalton at two o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon and the body buried in the cemetery there.

The Brunswicker, May 19, 1939

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  • Created by: Sylvia Whaley
  • Added: Feb 13, 2009
  • Find a Grave Memorial ID:
  • Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Charles F. Munson (15 Apr 1864–16 May 1939), Find a Grave Memorial ID 33796628, citing Dalton City Cemetery, Bowling Green Township, Chariton County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Sylvia Whaley (contributor 46911119).