A Virtual Cemetery created by Sadie Day Pasha

Oakwood Cemetery

Mother was born Fannie Green on February 5, 1927, at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, the surviving twin and only child of Louis Green and Virginia Smith of Georgetown County, South Carolina. Our grandmother Virginia Smith Green died the same year (1927) mother was born, along with twin daughter Virginia Green, named for her mother. Fannie Green was brought to Georgetown as a baby and raised by grandfather Richard Smith and his wife Adele Pyatt (Smith) who changed her name from Fannie Green to Edna Smith. Our mother Fannie Green (Edna Smith) a descendent of Portuguese Jews, was raised a Jew. She also embraced her Cherokee and African (Geechee) ancestry, and later moved from Georgetown, SC to East Harlem, New York, and married Daniel Day from Hampton, Virginia and raised seven children, Peggy Ann Day (Dace), Daniel Day, Richard Day, Sadie Day (Pasha), Sandra Virgie Day (Edwards), Lorraine Doris Day and Deborah Day (Haynes).

Sadie Day Pasha has not added any memorials to this virtual cemetery.
